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Born For Such A Time As This

A Woman's Guide to Healing, Wholeness and Purpose

Do you believe that you were born for something more? Something that you are called to that you have never seen on this earth before? Well, guess what? This is your moment! You have been chosen for your generation to bring Heaven to earth, break generational curses, rebuild waste places, and advance the Kingdom of your God. You were born with a purpose, a mantle, and a calling to fulfill. This is where you turn every ash into beauty, every pain into joy, and every injustice into inheritance. The Father is ready to walk with you through the tunnels of your heart and to lay your house with gold. He is waiting to crown you with His signature and to show you that you were born for such a time as this!

This book will take you on a 31-day journey of your heart. God wants to reveal revelations and impartations that will bring you healing, freedom, and wholeness. God is ready for His daughters to rise up with their right identity so that they can birth Heaven on earth!

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Topics You'll Find Inside

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They Are Bread For Us


You Are The Medicine

What does it mean for the enemy when God allows him access to your doorstep? You are more than a conqueror and more than an overcomer. You are a warrior with a purpose and any enemy that stands in your way is bread for you!

Learn how pride has been lurking in the background of your life, stealing your destiny and holding you down from your next level of greatness. 

It's time to know what that pain was for, what that betrayal was for, what that storm was for, and what that attack was for. You are no longer a victim, you are the antidote for your generation. God is waiting for you to flip it all over and become the medicine!

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Demonic Security

What Demonic Security have you hired to protect your heart? It's time to ditch your old security team and employ and new team that will bring you back into position and favor with the King!

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Grace To Faith

We have lived our whole lives in the grace of God, but what happens when grace is not enough for your next level? Learn how to transition from grace to faith and build your heavenly eternal currency that will bring the results you need now! 

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Our entire journey in life is for this one moment, being reconciled back to the Father. Nothing in our lives will be completely aligned until we have come back to our Father, back to our Kingdom and back to our identity in Him!

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From The Author of 'Fatherless'

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Amazon Customer

This book is so full of nutritional Fruit!!!!
I absolutely loved this book! An easy read and breakdown of what God is asking us to come into His Glory so we can have life more abundantly by being in Sonship with Him. I recommend this book no matter where you are in your walk and I really recommend this for Born Again Christians to get a full understanding of what is it to have a godly life!!!!


Amazon Customer

Sonship Restored!
This book breaks down the epidemic of fatherlessness in a really powerful way. It helps us to awaken to the inheritance that we have as children of God and I’m able to live out my sonship and natural child likeness more because of this book!


Amazon Customer

I wish I had this book 20yrs Ago!
I am so excited about this book! I love how everything is clearly explained throughout. If you have a clogged sink, you want instruction on not only how to unclog the sink but also how to avoid the actions that lead to future clogs. This book goes right to the root of life’s blockades. It has concise instructions and thought provoking revelations that lead to life altering shifts of one’s understanding of behavior that will change the course of your life. There is so much revelation in just the first 10%, revelation that takes a lifetime to discover. If you want a clear roadmap that explains accurately the details of the journey, read this book!.

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